And inevitably, another dagger to the eye from Charlie: INSANORANGE t-shirt for Friday. Apparently he giggled when he ordered it and laughed like the devil when he pulled it out of the shipping box. All for me - I am soooooooo luuuuuuuucky. At lunch that day, I pulled off my shades and actually reeled as the pyrotechnics hit me afresh. Honestly, there are no words for the incredibrightness of this shirt. I have uploaded the image at full size for your viewing pleasure.
Look at the reflection of the shirt on the underside of his chin. That's under office lighting. Try to imagine that X 100 in the sunlight.

My question is, HOW did he get the wrinkles in already? It's a brand-new shirt! These are not the fresh-out-of-the-bag wrinkles either - those go up the sides in thirds and across the width at the 1/2-way or 1/3-way point. Shockandawe.
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