That's Reason #1 to be sorry for Charlie today. Reason #2 is his colors. His shirt is great, but the hoodie (which he thankfully took off in the afternoon) was the exactly wrong shade of dull oatmeal to set off His Fairness. And the jeans today are a dingy washed out gray. Booooo. As I may have mentioned previously, the guys in our group have great wardrobe skills, so Charlie sticks out like a sore thumb. Hey—that should be the title of today's post, "Sore Thumb and Thumbs of Oppression: BFFs"
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Boss Fail threatened me with Dire Consequences if I proceeded to post the above image. Oh well. As he harangued me, Syd burst out laughing and I looked over to see this:

Clowns one and all.
Hail to the clowns!