Yesterday was a red letter day, Charlie wore a navy blue shirt that was a great color for him AND was free of wrinkles. Applause!

Next we have Boss Fail in his cave, plotting our daily destruction as usual. "How shall the Thumbs of Oppression crush them today?"

One day Charlie and I took liberties with Rich's precious scooter: my contribution, handlebar streamers; Charlie's, Hello Kitty stickers. We giggled like little schoolgirls. By a mad coincidence, Richard came out to the parking lot JUST as we were finishing up. Apparently he had a weird feeling about his bike and came out to check on it... how odd is THAT? Needless to say, Rich was NOT impressed. He pouted all afternoon. And, he blamed me more than Charlie which was completely unfair.

One Friday we went down to our favorite taco place at Santana Row, saw these great tropical flowers. If I remember correctly, Charlie's shirt was not great but not heinous that day, so it's ok that he wasn't feeling cooperative.

That day I was loving my new belt from Anthro. Again, showing Charlie how gray can be worn well.

And finally, here is your parting gift: Charlie Plinkles. And yes this IS the man who claims to iron his shirt every morning.

I was not pouting...I was stunned and in shock and awe. I think Charlie wouldn't have performed such a heinous act on his own but don't worry--there will be retribution. It may not be today, or tomorrow or the next day. You both can just wake up every morning and think "Is today the day Rich exacts his wrath upon my pitiful existence?"