Saturday, February 12, 2011


My friend pointed me to Damn You Auto Correct! (hilarious) so I just had to share this classic Charlie moment.

You should know that 19 times out of 20, I would beat Charlie into the office. One day he actually arrived before me, and it was a much-talked-about milestone. The next day we were back to normal, so I texted him and this is what ensued—I'm gray and he's green:

And I think Charlie could have captured a full second screencap of all the OMG and WTFing that followed... It was heinous. Scarred for life.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Broccoli note

The fare at the Grill is delicious. I do not, however, recommend that you order a side of broccoli there unless you are dining with five friends who are also fans of that vegetable. The "side" was as large as my salad entree (yes, those are three. full. heads).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I miss you Boss Fail

But I'm enjoying your parking spot :)

One afternoon at Philz

I wish I had a group shot of this moment. Three of us sharing a couch at Philz working on our matching Macbooks. Cute Over Load.

Having a nerd moment

Charlie was all excited to build some servers(?) for the big event in January. Here he is all hard at work.

I have to say technology has come a long way. MUCH prettier colors now for the boards and connectors and cables etc. We discovered this awesome holographic label on the cpu fan. Really made me happy—so many layers of color and content. Depending on the view angle, it appeared rainbow, dark, patterned, or some combination.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A classic bullpen moment

Video-chatting with Ant one morning. He snagged this screencap and somehow it perfectly captures how we are: Charlie, deadpan and full of attitude; me, goofy and giggling; and Ant, laughing his belly laugh and completely in the moment. Does my heart good.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Farewell Dream Team

On October 20th, the acquisition of our company was finalized, and the marketing dream team was dissolved for good. We had a proper gong show at the Grill to mark the occasion. Lots of hugs and kisses were exchanged... Well, I'll be honest, most of them were from me. Here are my favorites.