Friday, October 29, 2010

A classic bullpen moment

Video-chatting with Ant one morning. He snagged this screencap and somehow it perfectly captures how we are: Charlie, deadpan and full of attitude; me, goofy and giggling; and Ant, laughing his belly laugh and completely in the moment. Does my heart good.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Farewell Dream Team

On October 20th, the acquisition of our company was finalized, and the marketing dream team was dissolved for good. We had a proper gong show at the Grill to mark the occasion. Lots of hugs and kisses were exchanged... Well, I'll be honest, most of them were from me. Here are my favorites.


The Bullpen Glossary

This was a living document posted on the outside of the bullpen, required reading before entry. Now recorded here for posterity.

One that somehow didn't make it on the board: Antitude.

Soccer jersey!

Never mind the jersey. Good Lord. Look at the size of that CRANIUM.

One day at Saiko

...our waitress gave Charlie a hefty shot of sake—it was easily a triple. It would have been rude to refuse, right? Needless to say, Charlie was awfully quiet (and quietly affectionate) in his cube the whole afternoon. Good times...

Johan's shoes

This doesn't need a whole lot of explanation. These are Johan's shoes. They are on a standard gym bag.

Kitty Cat Cuties

D'Anne baked the most adorable and delicious kitty cat cookies. I think these may well be my very favorite cookies in the world. Breaking down the components: a light and crisp texture, toasted richness of pecans, little pops of sweetness from the m&ms, and of course the trifecta of salty+savory+sweet... Sheer joy.