Saturday, December 25, 2010

I miss you Boss Fail

But I'm enjoying your parking spot :)

One afternoon at Philz

I wish I had a group shot of this moment. Three of us sharing a couch at Philz working on our matching Macbooks. Cute Over Load.

Having a nerd moment

Charlie was all excited to build some servers(?) for the big event in January. Here he is all hard at work.

I have to say technology has come a long way. MUCH prettier colors now for the boards and connectors and cables etc. We discovered this awesome holographic label on the cpu fan. Really made me happy—so many layers of color and content. Depending on the view angle, it appeared rainbow, dark, patterned, or some combination.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A classic bullpen moment

Video-chatting with Ant one morning. He snagged this screencap and somehow it perfectly captures how we are: Charlie, deadpan and full of attitude; me, goofy and giggling; and Ant, laughing his belly laugh and completely in the moment. Does my heart good.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Farewell Dream Team

On October 20th, the acquisition of our company was finalized, and the marketing dream team was dissolved for good. We had a proper gong show at the Grill to mark the occasion. Lots of hugs and kisses were exchanged... Well, I'll be honest, most of them were from me. Here are my favorites.


The Bullpen Glossary

This was a living document posted on the outside of the bullpen, required reading before entry. Now recorded here for posterity.

One that somehow didn't make it on the board: Antitude.

Soccer jersey!

Never mind the jersey. Good Lord. Look at the size of that CRANIUM.

One day at Saiko

...our waitress gave Charlie a hefty shot of sake—it was easily a triple. It would have been rude to refuse, right? Needless to say, Charlie was awfully quiet (and quietly affectionate) in his cube the whole afternoon. Good times...

Johan's shoes

This doesn't need a whole lot of explanation. These are Johan's shoes. They are on a standard gym bag.

Kitty Cat Cuties

D'Anne baked the most adorable and delicious kitty cat cookies. I think these may well be my very favorite cookies in the world. Breaking down the components: a light and crisp texture, toasted richness of pecans, little pops of sweetness from the m&ms, and of course the trifecta of salty+savory+sweet... Sheer joy.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Plum Purdy

By happystance, there's a purple theme running through these catch-up bits from the past few weeks...

First up, D'Anne's Thai curry with eggplant. The sun hit these veggies in the most delicious way. And I have to say again how much I love the iPhone camera. These weren't color adjusted in any way, just cropped.

Next, purple memo in the bullpen. Ant's seemingly solid-colored shirt is actually thin magenta and blue stripes.

And today, the most amazing potpourri blown up against the sidewalk, courtesy of Mother Nature. It's mostly fallen crape myrtle blooms, with peppertree leaves.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Melty Ant. Warning, somewhat gruesome.

Some silly putty showed up in the bullpen so of course we had to make an Ant. Syd made a great one with actual antennae, and I promptly stabbed it in the heart with some T-pins. Syd camouflaged the stabbing by adding 4 more, to make them legs. Over the course of the afternoon, Blue Ant slowly degenerated into this sad little puddle.

The extra delicious bit is a conversation from a couple weeks ago:
Ant: It's hot in here.
Me: Yeah, do you usually feel hot in the afternoon? Around 4 pm?
Ant: I guess...
Me: Cause that's when we do our daily ritual of burning you in effigy.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Pretty in Plaid

Today we all ooh'd and ah'd over Ana's delicious plaid top. It stopped me in my tracks when I came around the corner--in the best possible way, not a la Charlie. The colors are super retro, but served up in a flirty contemporary way with awesome placket ruffles. YUM.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Woefully behind on bloggery

Couple Fridays ago: Charlie and D'Anne goodness. I love how, even on his knees, she makes him look freakishly 'UGE. Note photo-bombing is alive and well in the bullpen. "RRrahrr!"

Last Monday: D'Anne's new 'do and delicious candy-colored pumps. What's not to love?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tonal memo

This morning the ladies of the bullpen received the tonal memo.
We're all tone-on-tone but in different directions - Syd in pink+deep magenta, D'Anne in teals, and me in olives.

However Charlie is doing his own thing, as usual, Hurt Maria Friday. I have to admit this is a pretty genius shirt: "The Apathy Coalition. Join Us. Or Not. Whatever."

Here's a recap of Charlie's HMF shirts. I wonder if he's working his way through the rainbow, he does have ROY so far. G BIV should be doozies.

Caution: Nerd At Work

Furious blipty-bluing:

...aaand wrinkle rage:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Feast your eyes on this two-tone ankle-strap patent peep-toey deliciousness. Jenn is totally rocking these with a chocolate shirtdress today.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I was out sick Friday, and Charlie decided to hit me with this while I was down.

He likes to torture me by describing the really truly horrendous things he could wear to hurt me. Peach-colored yoga pants top the list. Let's be clear, though. This image isn't even CLOSE to the horror that I envision with my mind's eye.

That Cooper Black is pretty hurtful though. On my list of ow! fonts, it's right up there with Hobo and Comic, so "Well done, Charlie" for that.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gray memo

Gray top, jeans, and black shoes. Roger.

Mine has bead+sequin embellishments. They have a muted shine, but Charlie keeps breaking into dance. We've dubbed it Disco Tuesday.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunglasses controversy

Couple more photos from G's farewell lunch. Anthony loves to hate on my sunglasses, not sure exactly why. These are my non-fancy ones, not the Italian pair. Every once in a while he just can't contain himself, and breaks out in a grumpy-old-man tirade. I love how they make him look all warm and sweet and friendly.

They have a very different effect on Charlie. They make him look like Willy Wonka, or maybe a ladies' man.

Friday, July 9, 2010

There, I fixed it.

Ta-da! Charlie in a flattering light:

1. Bye bye yellow t-shirt. It's a great color but all wrong for His Royal Pinkness.
2. Hello good jeans and shoes.
3. Notice normal head:body ratio (thanks to fortunate angle of sun).

Yellow and brownies

Charlie has decided that on Fridays he will wear terrible things "on deliberate" to hurt me. All week he'd been chortling in anticipation of the damage he was going to inflict with his new yellow t-shirt. Unfortunately for him, it's actually quite pretty--a gentle chiffon-y hue. Here's my dejected little friend:

Perhaps to offset the pain he planned to inflict (or maybe to match his shirt), Charlie also brought us a sweet yellow rose from his garden. And--good news--D'Anne has decided that she likes us after all, and brought in these velvety-delicious warm-from-the-oven brownies.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Hot and the Heinous

First the eye candy: feast your eyes on D'Anne's gray Italian suede mary janes. Droolworthy.

And inevitably, another dagger to the eye from Charlie: INSANORANGE t-shirt for Friday. Apparently he giggled when he ordered it and laughed like the devil when he pulled it out of the shipping box. All for me - I am soooooooo luuuuuuuucky. At lunch that day, I pulled off my shades and actually reeled as the pyrotechnics hit me afresh. Honestly, there are no words for the incredibrightness of this shirt. I have uploaded the image at full size for your viewing pleasure.

Look at the reflection of the shirt on the underside of his chin. That's under office lighting. Try to imagine that X 100 in the sunlight.

My question is, HOW did he get the wrinkles in already? It's a brand-new shirt! These are not the fresh-out-of-the-bag wrinkles either - those go up the sides in thirds and across the width at the 1/2-way or 1/3-way point. Shockandawe.