Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The good and the not-so-good

Today we feast our eyes on this over-the-knee goodness, courtesy of Syd. We all took turns gaping and ogling and clapping our hands for more! Charlie forgot to close his mouth, I had to nudge his jaw.

To balance out the over-the-knee deliciousness, we have some under-the-ankle badness from our boy Richard. In his defense, he was battling the flu the day I took this, and he just wanted to be comfy... But leather clogs are never a good thing.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Someone's on a Plan

Most bosses, when they're dissatisfied with an employee's performance, sit down with said employee, discuss the issues and come up with an action plan to bring that person up to scratch. Not Boss Fail. He straight up brings his laptop to your cube, parks himself there, and makes sure you are doing exactly what you should be doing all the day long. Thumbs Of Oppression.

That's Reason #1 to be sorry for Charlie today. Reason #2 is his colors. His shirt is great, but the hoodie (which he thankfully took off in the afternoon) was the exactly wrong shade of dull oatmeal to set off His Fairness. And the jeans today are a dingy washed out gray. Booooo. As I may have mentioned previously, the guys in our group have great wardrobe skills, so Charlie sticks out like a sore thumb. Hey—that should be the title of today's post, "Sore Thumb and Thumbs of Oppression: BFFs"
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Boss Fail threatened me with Dire Consequences if I proceeded to post the above image. Oh well. As he harangued me, Syd burst out laughing and I looked over to see this:

Clowns one and all.